Study Tips

  • Raise the bar on understanding
  • When do you feel like your studying has succeeded?
    • When you get the solutions to the practice final?
    • When you can see the solutions without seeing the practice final?
  • Recall
  • Half of the battle is remembering what you need, when you need it. (The other half is doing something once you remeber the information)
  • Spaced Repetition is a class of algorithms that remind you of things on an efficient schedule. Widely used for flashcard apps like Anki
  • Pay attention to the “knowledge tree”



  • Rate of change of a function with respect to a variable
  • Measures how a function changes as its input changes
  • Notation: or

Common Derivative Rules

  • Power Rule:
  • Product Rule:
  • Chain Rule:

Partial Derivative

  • Derivative of a multivariable function with respect to one variable, holding others constant
  • Notation: or


  • Vector of all partial derivatives of a multivariable function
  • Represents the direction of steepest increase of the function
  • Notation:

Integral (barely needed)

  • Opposite of differentiation, finds the accumulation of quantities
  • Indefinite integral:
  • Definite integral:

Optimization (Finding minima and maxima)

  • Process of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions
  • Applications in machine learning, economics, and engineering

Min and Argmin

  • Min: The minimum value of a function
  • Argmin: The input value(s) that result in the minimum of a function
  • Notation: is the value of that minimizes

Boolean Logic

Binary variables

  • Variables that can take on only two possible values: true or false (often represented as 1 or 0)
  • Used to represent propositions or statements that are either true or false

Logical operators

  • AND (): True if both operands are true
  • OR (): True if at least one operand is true
  • NOT (): Negates the truth value of its operand
  • XOR (): True if exactly one operand is true
  • IMPLIES (): True unless the first operand is true and the second is false

Truth Tables

  • Tables that show all possible combinations of input values and their corresponding output values for logical operations
  • Used to define the behavior of logical operators and evaluate complex Boolean expressions

Truth Table Example

The XOR operation returns true if the inputs are different, and false if they are the same.

Truth table for XOR:



  • and are the input values
  • represents the XOR operation
  • The result column shows the output for each combination of inputs


  • A boolean predicate is a function that returns either true or false
  • A predicate can be reduced to a truth value if all free variables are given boolean values
  • Example:

First Order Logic

Existential and Universal Quantifiers

  • Existential Quantifier (): “There exists” or “for some”
    • means “There exists an x such that P(x) is true”
  • Universal Quantifier (): “For all” or “for every”
    • means “For all , is true”
  • These quantifiers allow for more expressive logical statements than Boolean logic alone
  • They can be combined with logical operators to form complex predicates

Set Theory


  • An unordered container of objects.
  • The objects are unique.
  • A set is uniquely defined by the elements it contains.
  • The cardinality of a set is the number of elements it contains, denoted by for a set .

if and then


A function’s signature indicates the name of the function, the space of inputs to the function, and the space of outputs of the function.

  • In code
def f(x: int) -> int: # takes an integer, and returns an integer
  • In math notation

Linear Algebra


  • A 1D array of elements

  • Elements are usually real numbers (math) or floating point numbers (programming)

    a real vector with elements

With , could be [\[0.1, 2.2223, 5\]]

is the real numbers.

Read as “in”, or “element of”


A 2D array of numbers

a real matrix with rows and columns

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

(a square matrix)

The eigenvectors of are the vectors that satisfy:

Where are scalar values (the eigenvalues).

Graph Theory

A graph is a set of nodes and edges

  • The nodes are “atomic” – they don’t have any internal structure. We give each node a label.

The edges are pairs of nodes.

Weighted Graph

  • A graph with a scalar quantity on each edge

Directed Graph

  • A graph where the relative order of the vertices in each edge matters

  • Mathematically, for a directed graph

Cliques (Fully-Connected Graphs)

Every node is connected to every other node.

Number of edges in an undirected graph with no self-loops


An undirected graph without cycles

A graph has a cycle if there exists a path from a vertex back to itself without repeating any edges.

DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs)

A directed graph without cycles

Further Reading On Graph Theory:

  • Introduction to Algorithms - Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein

Probability and Statistics


  • A measure of the likelihood of an event occurring
  • Expressed as a number between 0 (impossible) and 1 (certain)
  • Notation: represents the probability of event A occurring


  • A process with a well-defined set of possible outcomes
  • Example: rolling a die, flipping a coin


  • A single result of an experiment
  • Example: getting a 3 when rolling a die


  • A set of outcomes from an experiment
  • Example: rolling an even number on a die

Sample Space

  • The set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
  • Denoted by (omega)
  • Example: for a coin flip, = {heads, tails}

Naive Probability

  • Assumes all outcomes are equally likely and mutually exclusive

Conditional Probability

  • The probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred
  • Notation: represents the probability of event A occurring given that event B has occurred
  • Formula:

Bayes’ Rule

  • A theorem that relates conditional probabilities
  • Used to update probabilities based on new evidence
  • Formula:

Expected Value

  • The average outcome of an experiment if it is repeated many times
  • Denoted by for a random variable
  • Calculated by multiplying each possible outcome by its probability and summing the results


  • A measure of variability or spread in a set of data
  • Denoted by or for a random variable
  • Calculated as the average squared deviation from the mean

Hypothesis Testing

  • A statistical method used to make inferences about a population based on sample data
  • Involves formulating null and alternative hypotheses
  1. Statistical Significance

    • The likelihood that a result or relationship is caused by something other than chance
    • Often measured using a significance level (), typically set at 0.05 or 0.01
    • A result is considered statistically significant if its p-value is less than the chosen significance level
  2. P-value

    • The probability of obtaining test results at least as extreme as the observed results, assuming the null hypothesis is true
    • Used to determine statistical significance
    • A small p-value (typically < 0.05) suggests strong evidence against the null hypothesis


  • Functions
  • Control flow
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Environment Management
  • Third-party libraries
  • Reading documentation

Look for similarities

  • Code as data
  • Data as code