ECS 170 Project Presentation

Presentation Format:

  1. Duration: Each group will have a total of 20 minutes for their presentation.

    • Presentation Time: 12-15 minutes. Walk the audience through your project, its objectives, methods, results, implications, and what you learned.
    • Q&A Session: 5-8 minutes. This time is set aside for questions, feedback, and discussion with the audience.
  2. Division of Time: Ensure that the presentation time is distributed approximately evenly among your group members.

  3. Content Structure: Here’s a suggested flow to structure your presentation:

    • Introduction: Briefly introduce your project and its objectives.
    • Background: Recall any concepts that the audience should remember to be able to understand your project.
    • Methodology: Discuss the AI technologies and methods you applied, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them.
    • Results: Present the outcomes of your project, supplemented with visual aids - a slideshow, and optionally a live demonstration.
    • Discussion: Reflect on the implications of your findings, any limitations, and potential future directions or improvements.
    • Conclusion: Sum up the main points and the significance of your project.
  4. Collaboration: An effective presentation will have group members primarily presenting the segments they contributed most to. However, during the Q&A, any member could be posed a question about any part of the project.

  5. Location: Presentations will be held over Zoom (or another video conferencing solution). If you would prefer an in-person presentation, please send me an email well in advance.

  6. Time: Presentations will take place during the last week of class - keep an eye on Canvas for announcement with a link to sign up for a presentation slot.

  7. Audience: The audience for the presentations will be myself and one TA. If you’re feeling confident, feel free to invite your classmates.

Preparation Tips:

  1. Rehearse: Practice your presentation multiple times to refine your flow, ensure you’re within the time limit, and bolster your confidence.

  2. Visual Aids: Use slides or other visual aids to make your presentation engaging and illustrative.

  3. Engage Your Audience: Aim to communicate what you did in an accessible way. The goal is clarity and understanding.

  4. Anticipate Questions: Think about potential questions you might be asked and prepare answers. This will make the Q&A smoother and more productive.

Evaluation Criteria: Your presentation will be evaluated on:

  • Content depth and clarity.
  • Structure and logical flow of the presentation.
  • Engagement and communication skills.
  • Ability to address questions and feedback constructively.
  • Collaboration and equitable contribution from all group members.

Good Luck!