ECS170 Course Info

Waitlit and PTA Numbers

Historically there has been a waitlist for this class. If you are on the waitlist, please see my guide on PTA numbers here: here


  • 30 Lectures, 50 minutes each, MWF
  • 10 Discussions, 50 minutes each, T

Course Topics:

  • Knowledge representation and reasoning
  • Theory and advanced programming techniques
  • Topics selected from areas of expert systems, natural language processing, image understanding, machine learning, games, and robotics

Course Staff

NameRoleEmailOffice Hours
Gabriel SimmonsInstructorgsimmons@ucdavis.edu11am-noon, Fridays, Kemper 3052
Makan FarhoodimoghadamTAmfarhoodi@ucdavis.eduTuesdays from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Virtual
Celine John


Pre-requisites: ECS 060 or ECS 032B or ECS 036C

Communication Policy

Please use email to communicate with course staff. Course staff will not respond to messages submitted via the Canvas messaging system.

Emails MUST include the course code in the subject line. Please. We’re begging you.

More tips for emails:

  1. Use a descriptive subject line.
  2. If you are asking for something, make it clear in the first 1-2 sentences.
  3. If you use ChatGPT or other email generators, use a prompt that encourages very succinct, direct emails. The default behavior of these tools is to generate long, rambling emails. I am much more likely to respond to a short, direct email with a clear ask.
  4. Don’t use email for questions that will take more than a paragraph of writing to conclude, either from yourself or from the course staff. Please use the Instructor and TA office hours for these sorts of open-ended discussions.

Who to contact, and how:

Please use Piazza for:

  • Questions about lecture content or other course material
  • Questions about course logistics that are relevant to the whole class

Please come to office hours for:

  • Detailed feedback on project ideas
  • Help with homework or course project

Please email the course instructor for:

  • Personal issues that require accomodations for more than one assignment,
  • Requests for Incomplete (I) grade

Please email the TAs and cc the course instructor for:

  • Setting up a time to take a remote or in-person make-up quiz
  • Resolving grading issues

If you’re unsure:

  • Email the TAs


In most cases, I am happy to have folks audit the class.

Send me an email with subject line `ECSXYZ request to audit`, replacing ECSXYZ with the real course code.

Please note the following:

  1. I generally recommend that auditors do not participate in group work. If you really want to participate in group work, please ask. I will ask you to commit to giving the same level of effort that you would as a graded student.

  2. Your individual work will probably not be graded, or may be graded at a lower priority than work from registered students. You are welcome to assess yourself based on any posted assignment solutions, rubrics, etc.

    For each of the following 4 assignments:

    • Project Proposal

    • Project Check-in

    • Project Presentation

      Create corresponding Peer Feedback 1 and Peer Feedback 2 assignments (6 peer feedback assignments in total)


  • Attendance is expected in-person, including all discussion sections
  • We will try to provide video recordings of lectures and discussions and make them available on Canvas. This depends in part on the video recording facilities available in our assigned lecture and discussion rooms.
  • In-person attendance at the final will be required. Please check Schedule Builder for the final exam date and time.


The table below indicates the grading policy for the course. There will be several in-person quizzes taken during discussion. The lowest (1) quiz grade will be dropped. In-person attendance at the final will be required. Please check Schedule Builder for the final exam date and time.

Students will be required to complete a group project implementing, evaluating, or critiquing an AI algorithm, dataset, or other AI-related artifact. Students will write a written report and present their work. Students may optionally produce a web application demonstrating their final project.

There will be a number of perspective readings on topics related to the history, philosophy, and technical details of artificial intelligence and related fields.

There will be 1-4 individual homework assignments requiring students to implement AI algorithms presented during lectures.

Assignment CategoryGrade Percentage
Project Group Signup1
Project Proposal2
Project Check-In3
Collaboration Survey 10.5
Peer Feedbacks3
Project Presentation15
Project Report and Code15
Collaboration Survey 20.5
Quizzes (6)30
Homeworks (2-4)20
Reflections (5-7)10

Regrade Requests

The availability of regrades is on a per-assignment basis. If regrades are available for an assignment, the last day to submit a regrade request is 1 week after the assignment deadline, or the last day of instruction (typically the Friday before finals week), whichever is earlier.


  1. Textbook

    Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig - 3rd Edition

  2. Other Readings

    Other selected readings for the course will be posted on Canvas. Readings from past versions of the course have included essays and book excerpts from:

    • Melanie Mitchell (Artificial Intelligence)
    • Brian Christian (The Alignment Problem)
    • Stuart Russell
    • Alan Turing
    • Dan Hendrycks
    • Richard Sutton
    • and many more…
  3. Canvas

    Please make sure that you are added to this course on Canvas. Check Canvas for ECS 170 regularly. Announcements on important information about the course, including course assignments, will be made on Canvas.

  4. Piazza

    Please sign up for this course on Piazza. Check the Canvas announcements for signup instructions.

  5. Assignments will be submitted using GitHub Classroom. Please add your name, email, and GitHub username to this spreadsheet by Friday, Sept 27. More instructions soon.

  • We will be using GitHub classroom for assignments, including the project report and reading reflections.
  • Each assignment is a git repository, hosted on GitHub.
  • If you are not familiar with git or GitHub, start getting familiar :) Ask around to find a knowledgeable friend in the class.
  • Most writing submissions will be in GitHub-flavored Markdown
  1. Python

Use of the Python programming language will be encouraged (potentially required) for the programming assignments for this course. If you have not programmed in Python before, I would encourage you to explore the langauge via some tutorials. Ask around in class to find a knowledgeable friend.

Tentative Course Schedule

The table below provides a tentative schedule for the lectures. This schedule is subject to change. R&N = Russel & Norvig.

EventTitleDateRecommended Reading
Lecture 1.1An introduction to the class2024-09-25 WedR&N Ch. 1
NO DiscussionNo discussion this week2024-09-26 Thu
Lecture 1.2Project Tips; Prereqs Guide2024-09-27 Fri
Lecture 1.3Prerequisites2024-09-30 Mon
Lecture 1.4AI Traditions2024-10-02 WedR&N Ch. 1
Lecture 2.1Introduction to Search2024-10-04 FriR&N Ch. 3
DiscussionPython programming setup2024-10-03 Thu
Lecture 2.2Iterative Search. BFS, DFS.2024-10-07 MonR&N 3.4
ProjectGroup Formation Due2024-10-04 Fri
Lecture 2.3Iterative Search. A-Star and extensions2024-10-09 WedR&N 3.5, 3.6
Lecture 3.1Games & Game Theory2024-10-11 FriR&N 5.1, 5.2
DiscussionQuiz 1; Uninformed Search2024-10-10 Thu
Lecture 3.2Adversarial Search; Minimax2024-10-11 FriR&N 5.2, 5.3
ProjectProject Proposal Due2024-10-11 Fri
Lecture 3.3Alpha-Beta Pruning2024-10-14 MonR&N 5.3
Lecture 3.4Monte Carlo Tree Search2024-10-16 WedR&N 5.4
DiscussionQuiz 2; Topics after Quiz 1 thru Lec. 3.32024-10-17 Thu
Lecture 4.1Logic & Graph Basics2024-10-18 FriR&N 7.1, 7.2
HomeworkHomework 1 Due2024-10-18 Fri
Lecture 4.2PageRank and Random Walks on Graphs2024-10-21 Mon
Lecture 4.3Knowledge Representation2024-10-23 WedR&N Ch. 12
DiscussionQuiz 3; Topics after Quiz 2 thru Lec 4.22024-10-24 Thu
Lecture 5.1Machine Learning Basics2024-10-25 FriR&N 19.1, 19.2
Lecture 5.2Decision Trees pt. 12024-10-28 MonR&N 19.3
Lecture 5.3Decision Trees pt. 22024-10-30 WedR&N 19.3
DiscussionNo Quiz; Discussion Content TBD2024-10-31 Thu
Lecture 6.1Neural Networks 1: Perceptron2024-11-01 FriR&N 21.1, 21.2
Lecture 6.2Neural Networks 2: Deep Neural Networks2024-11-04 Mon
Lecture 6.3Neural Networks 3: CNNs2024-11-06 WedR&N 22.3
DiscussionQuiz 4; Discussion Content TBD2024-11-07 Thu
Lecture 6.4Neural Networks 4: Recurrent Neural Networks2024-11-08 FriR&N 22.4
ProjectProject Check-In Due2024-11-08 Fri
ProjectCollaboration Survey 1 Due2024-11-08 Fri
No LectureNo Class - Veteran’s Day Holiday2024-11-11 Mon
Lecture 6.5Neural Networks 5: Attention2024-11-13 WedR&N 22.4
DiscussionQuiz 5; Discussion Content TBD2024-11-14 Thu
Lecture 6.6Neural Networks 6: Transformers & Language Modeling2024-11-15 FriR&N 22.4, 23.2
Lecture 7.1Markov Decision Processes2024-11-18 MonR&N 17.1, 17.2
Lecture 7.2Temporal Difference Q-Learning2024-11-20 WedR&N 22.5
DiscussionNo Quiz; Discussion Content TBD2024-11-21 Thu
Lecture 7.3RL Extensions & Applications2024-11-22 FriR&N 22.5
HomeworkHomework 2 Due2024-10-18 Fri
Lecture 8.1RL Extensions & Applications2024-11-25 MonR&N 22.5
Lecture 8.2Buffer time, selected topics2024-11-27 Wed
No DiscussionNo Discussion - Thanksgiving Holiday2024-11-28 Thu
No LectureNo Class - Thanksgiving Holiday2024-11-29 Fri
Lecture 8.3Buffer time, selected topics2024-12-02 Mon
Lecture 9.1Alignment, Safety, Ethics2024-12-04 WedR&N 27.3
DiscussionQuiz 6; Discussion Content TBD2024-12-05 Thu
Lecture 9.2The Future of AI2024-12-06 Fri
ProjectCollaboration Survey 2 Due2024-12-06 Fri
Finals Week Begins2024-12-09 Mon
Final SessionFinal Session (Project Presentations)2024-12-10 Tue
ProjectProject Report & Code Due2024-12-10 Tue
Finals Week Ends2024-12-13 Fri

SDC Accomodations

Sufficient notice is needed in order to make the accommodations possible. If you need disability-related accommodations in this class, please email or call them at (530) 752-3184. The student disability center is the campus office responsible for verifying that students have disability-related needs for academic accommodations, and for planning appropriate accommodations in cooperation with the students themselves and their instructors.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to follow the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct. See:

Note on Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR)

The University of California and UC Davis Health are committed to the principle of treating each community member with respect and dignity. Across all of its locations, including clinical settings, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment (including sexual assault and other forms of sexual harassment). For more on the University’s commitment to integrity, accountability and respect for all members of our community, please see the University’s Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct at: ethics-compliance-audit-services/index.html See also: compliance-program

University Holidays

See the below URL to know about the University and National Holidays.

Policy on Add, Drop and Withdrawal

Please look at the below URL to know about the add, drop and withdrawal dates in Winter 2023:

Academic Calendar

Important dates are listed in the UC Davis Academic calendar: campus-life/things-to-do/calendar/academic