
This page is for students who are considering asking me for a letter of recommendation, or have already asked.

It may also be useful for students seeking a recommendation from other faculty.

What makes a good letter writer?

I want you to have the best chance at whatever opportunity you are applying for. Therefore, I want you to obtain the strongest possible letters of recommendation.

Some good criteria for choosing a letter writer, in no particular order:

  1. The recommender can speak to your academic performance.

    Ok: You scored in the top 15% of a class you took with me.

    Good: You scored in the top 10% of a class you took with me.

    Better: You scored in the top 5% of a class you took with me.

    Best: You scored in the top 2.5% of a class you took with me.

  2. The recommender can speak to your skills, background, and performance as related to the opportunity.

    • Example: for a PhD program, the recommender has seen your research skills
    • Example: for a software engineering role, the recommender has seen you write code
  3. The recommender is a strong writer.

  4. The recommender is well-known, ideally in a field related to the opportunity.

  5. The recommender has known you well, for a relatively long time.

    Ok: a single class

    Good: multiple classes

    Best: multiple years of undergrad

  6. The recommender has done the thing you are applying to do.

Some not-so-good criteria:

  1. You enjoyed my class a lot. I do appreciate this! But satisfying only this criterion will not result in a very strong letter.
  2. You like me as a person. Again, very much appreciated but not a great way to choose letter writers.
  3. Out of all the people you could ask to write you a letter, I am the least intimidating. This is not a great way to choose a letter writer (and it’s less flattering than 1 and 2).

Am I a good letter writer for you?

Please think about the criteria above. In many cases, someone else will be able to write you a stronger letter.

Let’s consider the critera one-by-one:

  • I can usually speak to #1. If you got a great grade in one of my classes, I am happy to say so in your letter.
  • #2 depends on whether we have interacted outside of class, for example in office hours.
  • #3… I’m not sure how I compare to other faculty on this criterion.
  • I am early in my career, so I am not strong on criterion #4.
  • #5 applies less if:
    • You have only taken 1 class with me
    • we didn’t interact much in class
  • #5 applies more if:
    • You have taken more than 1 class with me
    • we interacted during class, or in office hours
    • I have some knowledge of your interests and career goals

If I am the best person you can think of to write one of your letters, I am usually happy to do so, depending on the time until the deadline and my availability. If you are thinking about asking, please do so well in advance of the deadline.


If there are less than 2 weeks before the deadline, this is usually too short notice. I might say no for this reason. Best practice is to ask at least 2 months before the deadline.

What do I need to write you a letter?

If you decide to go ahead with a letter of recommendation from me, and I have agreed, please send me:

  1. A copy of your resume
  2. A copy of your transcript
  3. A brag sheet listing your accomplishments, goals, and any noteworthy interactions we’ve had
  • Humility is not a virtue on the brag sheet — don’t be shy to highlight your achievements!
  1. Optionally, a copy of your statement of purpose or personal statements
  2. A table listing the opportunities you are applying for and their deadlines

Once I have agreed to write your letter, please send me reminders about the deadlines.

  • 1x weekly up to 1 week before the deadline
  • Up to 1x daily the week of the deadline
  • Use your best judgement.

Best of luck with your application!

Please read this page. Then please email me again, letting me know if you would like to continue with me as your letter writer. After that, I will assume that you will send the list of items above to me via email.

If you would prefer not to continue, that’s totally fine too! Please send an email in either case so I know the outcome.